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South Sudan former governor arrives in Nairobi after travel ban [13:18]

Former governor and leader of the group People's Coalition for Civil Action Kuel Aguer Kuel upon arrival at Jomo Kenyata International airport in Nairobi, Kenya, Tuesday, June 4, 2024.
(Courtesy photo)
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Kuel Aguer Kuel, the co-founder of the People’s Coalition for Civil Action and former governor of Northern Bahr-el-Ghazal State, arrived in Nairobi, Kenya, on Tuesday after enduring three years of travel restrictions in South Sudan. Authorities in Juba had jailed and later prevented him from leaving the country after his group called for the removal of President Salva Kiir's government through a popular uprising. Kuel told VOA’s John Tanza that he is in Nairobi to attend talks between the South Sudanese government and holdout rebel groups.