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Mangoma and Emmanuel Jal - Music Time in Africa

Mangoma and Emmanuel Jal - Music Time in Africa
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Starting at :05 minutes past the hour, get your best pan-African groove on with this lineup: Mayra Andrade, King Promise, Khaira Arby, Bebi Philip, Methuselah, Simi, Wande Coal, BiQo, Catch Dem Young Salone and two throwbacks - The Golden Sounds and Depiano & Tchadé. Song of the Week “Busheshe” is a love song by traditional musician Othnell Mangoma Moyo from Harare. You can watch us present Mangoma > Also, today's feature interview spotlights South Sudanese singer/rap artist: Emmanual Jal Reporter Bill Odidi meets up with him in Nairobi to talk about his 2018 album Naath.