An Update on the European Space Agency's Rosetta Comet Mission
Professor Mark McCaughrean, the European Space Agency's Senior Scientific Advisor joins us for today’s One on One Segment to update us all on the comet chasing Rosetta mission. He'll tell us what ESA scientists have learned so far from Rosetta and what they hope to learn throughout the spacecraft's mission. Also... NASA plans to send up a 3D printer to the International Space Station to build the first "machine shop" in space where astronauts can make their own spare parts and tools as they travel in space. Dr. Tom Frieden, the head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, said that the Ebola outbreak in West Africa will continue to worsen and a global effort is what's needed now to fight this deadly scourge. We’ll have a report about a new study, conducted by scientists in Michigan that demonstrates the power of suggestion. More and more people are following the Western diet, which means they’re eating more meat. We’ll tell you about a new study that suggests this shift in eating habits could help worsen climate change. Most of us know that our solar system resides in the Milky Way galaxy. But, astronomers have discovered that our galaxy is part of a supercluster that contains many more galaxies. Researchers have figured out a way to switch off autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and lupus, in which the body attacks its own tissues. This and much more are coming up for you on VOA's science, health and technology magazine, "Science World."
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