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Brains of Aerobically Fit Children Operate More Efficiently than those Who are Sedentary

Brains of Aerobically Fit Children Operate More Efficiently than those Who are Sedentary
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You already know about the health benefits of keeping physically active. Now scientists in Illinois, who studied 9 and 10 year old youngsters, have found that the brain operates much more efficiently if you’re aerobically fit. We'll talk with two of the research scientists today in our One on One Segment. And… A canister containing samples of comet particles and space dust landed on Earth back in 2006. Since then scientists analyzing the samples are taking a very cautious approach in their studies. We'll explain why when we update their progress. Then, we've found another case of what's old is new again. Although a more modern vaccine to help stop the spread of the dreaded polio has been developed, scientists now find that the original polio vaccine that was developed back in the 1950's by Jonas Salk is still the best for reducing the spread of the paralytic disease. Robots that can help us with daily chores like cooking and cleaning are a long way off, but automatons that serve as family companions may be much closer. Officials in Iceland making preparations to address the needs of their populace as a volcano is showing signs that it’s about to erupt. While the Ebola epidemic continues to claim lives in West Africa, social media is been an ideal tool to educate the public about the deadly virus. These stories and more are coming up for you on VOA's science, health and technology magazine, "Science World."