Up Front

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On this fresh, fast-paced show, co-hosts Jackson Mvunganyi, in the U.S., and Nadia Samie, in Africa, talk to teens and young adults about Politics,trends, lifestyles, health, entertainment, and other issues touching listeners’ lives [30 minutes] Check out the Upfront blog at www.upfrontafrica.com.

An Interactive, Fast-Paced, Radio Program Connecting Youth in Africa and the United States

“This show is fun and interactive," says co-host Jackson Mvunganyi. “We give our listeners a chance to say what they think about a range of topics. I’m thrilled to be part of such a dynamic, cutting-edge show.”

A native of Rwanda, Jackson has a bachelor's degree in multimedia development from the American University in Washington D.C., and a master's degree in Information Management from the University of Maryland. Jackson has had a multi-faceted broadcasting career so far, working in both radio and television, in Africa and the United States. Jackson also volunteers his time with African communities in the diaspora on issues affecting the continent.

For more from Jackson and Up Front, visit the Up Front blog » and follow him on Twitter @upfrontafrica

Nadia Samie, already an on-air personality in and around Cape Town, also serves as co-host of Up Front.

Nadia reports on a range of issues within the local community, including those of interest to young people. “Young adults want to have a say, and we are giving them the chance to do that on Up Front,” she says. “I just love this medium… there’s something magical about radio.”

Broadcast Schedule
Wednesday 1730 UTC/GMT

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