We listen to a diverse mix of pan-African music from Morocco, Nigeria, Chad, Zimbabwe, Sierra Leone, South Africa and Ethiopia. Also there are live performances with Wambo and Elemotho, and an interview with Mighty Popo. From Douala, Cameroon Wambo debuts his new piece about the Corona Virus called “Babylon is Falling.” Rwandan reggae icon Mighty Popo shares his brand new single & music video “Rwagasabo” from Kigali. From Windhoek, Namibia singer/songwriter Elemotho performs “Kglagadi” with guitarist Sam Matola.
Song of the week is a new 2020 hit single “Te Amo” by brother duo from São Tomé and Prìncipe, Calema. Kenyan singer/rapper Nyashinski discusses his new album Lucky You with reporter Bill Odidi in Nairobi. Finally, up and coming artist from Cape Coast, Ghana Koby Symple brings this edition to a sweet close with his single “Tima Aso”.