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DR Congo Seeks UN Help With Election

FILES - Democratic Republic of Congo's President Felix Tshisekedi holds a press conference with France's president as part of their meeting at the Palace of the Nation in Kinshasa, on March 4, 2023.
FILES - Democratic Republic of Congo's President Felix Tshisekedi holds a press conference with France's president as part of their meeting at the Palace of the Nation in Kinshasa, on March 4, 2023.

In a letter to the UN Security Council, the DRC ambassador to the UN Zenon Ngay Mukongo asks — even as Kinshasa pushes for a faster pullout — that the mission be allowed to help move election materials and equipment to provinces other than the ones where UN team now operates.

The Security Council is discussing the request, a diplomatic source said, adding that the United States is reluctant to go along with it.

The letter from ambassador Ngay Mukongo, "raises a number of questions," said U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric.

"We'll wait to see what action the council takes," he added. "We very much hope that the elections will manage to go ahead."

The DRC is one of the poorest countries in the world, despite its vast mineral wealth. Voters are due to go to the polls on Wednesday, December 20.

Armed groups plague much of eastern Congo — a legacy of regional wars that flared during the 1990s and 2000s. One such group — the M23 — has captured swaths of territory in the region since launching an offensive in late 2021.

The United Nations mission in the former Zaire, known as MONUSCO, is still present in three conflict-ridden provinces of the east but is due to withdraw at the demand of the government. Its mandate allows it to provide logistical support for the elections.

Kinshasa wants the UN force to leave after a presence of nearly 20 years, arguing that it has not been effective in ending fighting in the east of the country.

The Security Council is to vote next week on a withdrawal plan devised by Kinshasa and the U.N. mission.

The elections are for president and lawmakers at the national, provincial and local level.

It is a daunting challenge because the country is huge — 2.3 million square kilometers, and much of it lacks infrastructure.

Twenty-two people are running for president, including the incumbent, Felix Tshisekedi, who is seeking another term.
